I am sure that there are people out there who will tell me that I wasn't prepared for the heat, or that my GI problems that caused me to throw up at mile 20 on the bike are partially to blame. The problem with that is that I don't buy. I wasn't ready. That's it, I simply wasn't ready.
I'm now torn between being upset by that and a single minded drive to prepare for next season NOW, and the realization that I might need to go play some other sports for a while and come back to this in a few months.
I have 2 more tri's this year. That will take me to 12, I think, races overall this season, certainly a lot but I am trying to catch up on race experience and the only way to do that is to... well, race.
I am also looking into the Cyclocross series and a winter mountain bike race series nearby. Both of those should help. Great for staying fit and a good break from what I am currently doing.
Anyhow, more later.